Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Two years later..

Wow. So, a lot has changed since my last post. It's been two years and my mindset is completely different.

My boyfriend I was previously dating according to the most recent post, has now become my infamous ex. He broke my heart shortly after Valentine's day that year and I still love him to this day.

I don't really feel like I have close friends. I've always been on my own but recently I've discovered that I am quite an independent person. However, I miss the company of others sometimes, and most definitely the comfort of Dean by my side.

Things have gotten rather complicated, because he is now dating Taylor's sister. I do not hate her, nor resent her, but it's been difficult to cope with and accept.

It doesn't matter anyway. Time has flown by and I've experienced more in these past two years than I ever imagined I would. I've tried smoking, drinking, and snuck out to go to parties. That's never really been me, but I'm rebellious in spirit and I've always had an open mind. Although it's gotten me in a lot of trouble, I'd say most everything was worth it. I've learned lessons by it.

I'm going to change the style of my blog. I've grown and changed, therefore so must this blog.

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